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Collecting Stories from
September 14 - December 31, 2007

101 Inspirational Stories
of the Power of Prayer

This project is placed under the patronage
of the Blessed Mother.

Please share your Story of how prayer was answered in your life.

Do you have a beautiful story of answered prayer that deepened your faith, trust and belief in God? A prayer in which you knew that it was God's touch that made the difference in a life situation of difficulty, hope or distress you were experiencing.

Since the book is about "the power of prayer" I need the stories that are submitted to bring out in a very strong way how prayer was an essential element in each story.

The stories need to provide answers to these questions.

1. How did you pray? What kind of prayer? The rosary, scripture or just heart to heart conversation with God?

2.. How committed were you to praying? Maybe you didn't pray all that much... that's okay.. tell us that ... but if you prayed a lot - spell it out. Help us to really get into how much heart and soul went into your prayer.

3. What effect did the answer to your prayer have on your future relationship to God and prayer?

Also feel free to submit as many stories as you want. I am being very, very selective for this book in getting good stories so if you really want to be included in this book (and I hope you do) keep trying! The more time and effort you put into creating a complete picture of your story the better chance it has to make it. And, if you don't feel that you are that great a writer - don't worry about that! Just give as much details and put as much "self" into it as you can and I will work with you into making it wonderful.

And most of all.. pray to the Blessed Mother for help... because I am putting the whole book into her hands and I am relying a lot, lot, lot on her help myself!

Although we cannot use every story submitted - each story will be carefully and prayerfully considered for reproduction in 101 Inspirational Stories of the Power of Prayer.

If your story is included in this exciting new book we will send you will receive a free copy of the first publication and a special Author discount for future books.

Your story might also be used in future works, including audio representations.

Gratefully, Sister Patricia Proctor, osc

We will need your complete name and mailing address
(your information will not be used for any other purpose except concerning this book)

Please enter Address Information here:

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:

Please enter your story here. You may cut and paste it from another page or simply type it in. The length of the story should be at least 300 words and preferably not more than 1200 words.

Yes, I hereby assign to the Sisters the right to reproduce my story for publication and make the necessary editorial changes to accomplish this task:   Yes:       No:

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The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Adoration is gratefully used from Catholic Tradition .